variations zine vol. 2 is out now. There are going to be forty issues released for free in the sarnia community and the rest will be sold for $5.00 each with the money going towards the zine and a potential issue in colour for the end of the summer.
If you would like to order one and are in some other city, or couldn't get your hands on your own in sarnia, you can email me at imagesofagirl@gmail.com , or if you are in Sarnia, you can order through stardust book lounge, just say you want them to take your name down so I know how many to make. Also there will be copies sold through Bywords store as soon as I ship them out Ottawa way, so you can order in Ottawa that way. (bywords.ca
All issues have been pieced together by hand.
Also I will be having a book come out in Sarnia. It will be 8 poems and 5 pictures made by hand and typewritten out. each copy will be signed. these will also be sold at stardust, but again if you would like to order your copy at $20 each, email me as well. There will also be a smaller book made by hand of 8 short poems and paintings for $3.00 each. Hopefully San Ria Printing Company will have a website up and running soon so it isn't quite such a hassle.
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